Category Archives: Duct tape zone

And there will be bread lines…

Does it not seem that the Obama administration is doing everything it can to ensure that American is cast into a position of being a ‘third world country’?

It’s a frightening thought.   How much damage will this guy do before it stops?  How many of his policies will be irreversible?   So much of what he has done and is attempting to do (nationalizing banks, nationalizing companies, trillions of dollars in programs and bailouts, universal health care, turning over companies to unions) will be so entrenched in the system it will be impossible to extricate ourselves from – think Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.

His end game seems to be make the U.S.A. a nation of recipients.  There are plenty of “entitlementers” out there already.  For those of us who are not inclined to let the government run our lives, he will create an environment that will tax us into the poorhouse and/or limit our ability to take care of ourselves by regulation and decreased commerce.  Do YOU have the time or the inclination to stand in line for bread or milk or toilet paper? 

Do you believe that this country should be forced into soup kitchens because the progressive movement feels they must break us in order to achieve their ultimate goal?

Where are the politicians (regardless of party) who will put their personal interests aside to ensure our survival?  It sounds dramatic, but it’s just that simple.  There are millions of us ordinary folk standing up, but there are too few politicians entering the battle for the future of this nation.


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Filed under Duct tape zone, Issues, Politicians

Paying off your debt

At my current rate of pay, I would have to turn over my entire paycheck (gross, not net) to the federal government and work for more than 1,500 years to pay off the stimulus spending bill that is about to be voted on.

This bill is wrong and obscene.

The Representatives and Senators who vote for this bill will be noted.  The results of this bill will be noted – not just the lack of ‘stimulus’ it provides, but the wasteful programs it installs, the personal liberties it removes and the waste it produces.

This shouldn’t be about partisan politics, but, it is.  It should be about doing what is best for the country – present and future.

Any member voting yes on this bill, Democrat, Republican, Independent or other, should be voted out of office at the first opportunity, regardless of their contribution to their community.

This is shameful and selfish.


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Filed under Blood from a Turnip, Duct tape zone, Politicians

"Gov. Palin – Who are you wearing???"

Much ado about the Palin wardrobe brouhaha

Is this worth the time the MSM is spending on it?  Only insofar as it allows them to pile on once again.

Here’s my opinion.  Sarah Palin is a governor of a remote (geographically speaking) state.  Her wardrobe is sufficient for the type of business she does in Alaska, and she has access to laundry and dry cleaning facilities whenever she needs them.

However, she’s plucked out of Alaska a few short weeks ago; offered the Vice President slot on the McCain ticket and is “put on the bus” right after the announcement.

What’s her schedule?  Endless appearances – several per day.  Informal and formal functions which require different wardrobes.  Nights on the bus or in a hotel room and out again the next morning.  While she may be able to rinse out her pantyhose, I doubt she has time to wash, fluff and fold her dirty laundry.

I’ve been in a job where I did a lot of traveling.  A lot.  It’s not fun and it’s not convenient. 

So Sarah Palin received money to bulk up her wardrobe – good and, so what?

As far as the amount she spent on that jacket or suit, please.  If she had grabbed something off the rack at Penney’s, she’d get criticized for looking wrinkled or frumpy or lacking fashion-sense.   She’s dressing in well-made clothes (which hold up better and fit nicer) and she’s getting pummeled for that. 

“Why do you need to pay for it?” Forest told CBS News from her boutique Susanna Beverly Hills saying that most designers would offer to clothe a candidate for free.

“It’s an honor, you are going to design for someone who could be the president of the United States,” noting that the exposure any designer would get from dressing someone as famous as Clinton or Palin would be worth much more.
The Los Angeles Times reported earlier this year that Senator Clinton’s custom made pantsuits from Forest were worth about $6,350 a piece retail. Clinton’s spokespeople did not respond to requests for comment.

If Palin had clothing donated by designers (as if that would ever happen) she would be accused of forsaking her ‘down home’ image or cozying up to the rich…she can’t win and if the uber-lefties can’t at least acknowledge that, they aren’t being honest.

I wouldn’t mind if Sarah Palin came out in jeans and a tee shirt, but that’s not the expectation for high profile women.  A male politician can wear a flannel shirt and Levi’s at a barbeque and people call him homey and say “he’s just like me”.  A woman does it and she’s called unprofessional.

There doesn’t seem to be the same outrage at Hillary Clinton being provided $6,000.00 pantsuits or actresses who get millions of dollars per picture walking the red carpet at the Oscar’s or Emmy’s not paying a dime for that gown they are wearing.

Please…can we move on to something of substance?


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Filed under Duct tape zone, In the news, Media, Politicians

Words have meanings – Socialist does not mean black, but doofus still means doofus


As further evidence that the left wants to control your life and shape the direction of humanity – whether you agree or disagree; whether it goes against your values or not; whether it goes against the Constitution or not – it is now apparently inappropriate to call a thing what it is.  Wrap it instead in the cloth of prejudice to inflame your minions.  No dissent permitted…this is our future under the left.

Webster defines socialist:

Main Entry:






1: one who advocates or practices socialism2capitalized : a member of a party or political group advocating socialism

— socialist adjective often capitalized

— so·cial·is·tic   adjective

— so·cial·is·ti·cal·ly   adverb

Webster defines socialism:

Main Entry:






1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Source document here.

Shame on McCain and Palin for using an old code word for black

By Lewis Diuguid, Kansas City Star Editorial Page columnist

The “socialist” label that Sen. John McCain and his GOP presidential running mate Sarah Palin are trying to attach to Sen. Barack Obama actually has long and very ugly historical roots.

J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI from 1924 to 1972, used the term liberally to describe African Americans who spent their lives fighting for equality.

Those freedom fighters included the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who led the Civil Rights Movement; W.E.B. Du Bois, who in 1909 helped found the NAACP which is still the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization; Paul Robeson, a famous singer, actor and political activist who in the 1930s became involved in national and international movements for better labor relations, peace and racial justice; and A. Philip Randolph, who founded and was the longtime head of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and a leading advocate for civil rights for African Americans.

McCain and Palin have simply reached back in history to use an old code word for black. It set whites apart from those deemed unAmerican and those who could not be trusted during the communism scare.

Shame on McCain and Palin

Lewis Diuguid – Doofus!

Main Entry:




Inflected Form(s):

plural doo·fus·es Etymology:
perhaps alteration of 1goof



slang : a stupid, incompetent, or foolish person

Yep, Doofus.


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Filed under Duct tape zone, Left and Right, Politicians

Car Loans, Main Street, Sweet Pork

Where are we headed?  Here’s a clue for ya from MotorTrend:

Are you the type who regularly checks your credit score and stays on top of every little change at the major credit bureaus? If you’re like many Americans, the answer to this is probably no, but you might want to start being a little more diligent. Recently, Chrysler, Ford, and GM all made new-car leases harder to get, and it looks like loans are next. Reeling from the current credit crisis, financier GMAC now says it will lend money only to customers boasting a credit score of 700 or above.

Corporate greed, unsound business practices and government meddling are becoming painfully obvious at the ‘main street’ level. 

Auto lenders are tightening their standards to put themselves at less risk that’s good, but shouldn’t that have been the practice in the mortgage business before we got into this mess?  

How’s that a main street concern?

So what does this mean for people in the market for a new ride? Considering that, according to credit bureau Experian’s 2005 National Score Index, the average American boasts a rating of 678, those planning to buy a GM car or truck will need to double-check their credit to see if they qualify. Estimates are that GMAC’s move could kill one in four car loans, and Experian says that in 2008 customers with credit scores of 700 or better accounted for 74.3% of all auto financing purchases. This is up slightly from a year ago, when this same group made up just 71.1% of all new-car business.

Less new car loans available?  The need for fewer new cars.  The need for fewer cars?  Fewer workers needed to build cars.  Fewer workers needed?  Fewer workers mean fewer paychecks and less spending.  Less spending at the grocery store, clothing stores, restaurants, etc., etc.  Fewer workers there or businesses closing down.

Government needs to get out of the bailout business, it can only make things worse and prolong this mess.  What government should do is cut taxes on everyone, stop spending tax dollars on crap and get out of the way.

What crap?  Well, for Fiscal year 2008, my state of Ohio has received $211,698,486.00 in earmarks.  Projects include Fire Fighters’ Hall, Columbus (National Park Service – Save America’s Treasures) and Stan Hywet Hall & Gardens’ programs for at-risk youth, Akron (Discretionary Grants – Juvenile Justice Programs).  Those may important programs, but are they taxpayer programs?  Couldn’t those projects have sought funds elsewhere?  Like, maybe from private donations?  Are those project important enough to add to the collapse of our economy?

Citizens Against Government Waste identifies pork barrel (oh, I’m sorry, it’s  “sweeteners” now) projects from the U.S. Senate within the 2008 Federal Budget here.

Here’s a rundown of those calculations:

Number of projects – 10,286

Total amount of projects – $18,261,200,000.00

That’s just the Senate.

Number of Senators with zero earmarks –

Coburn Oklahoma R
McCain Arizona R
McCaskill Missouri D
DeMint  South Carolina R
Feingold Wisconsin D

As Governor Palin said, when you’re in a hole, quit digging.  I don’t think that the U.S. government could cut spending, let alone quit spending during the bleakest financial times.

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Filed under Duct tape zone, In the news, Issues, Politicians

The definition of insanity

Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The American people give Congress a approval rating of 15%, but keep electing the same people over and over again.  We despise Congress, but feel our own representatives are okay.  Please, people, none of them are okay.  They all need to go.  Time for we, the people, to make a clear statement.

Here’s an example:  John (Jack) Murtha (D-PA) has been elected 17 times by the folks in Pennsylvania’s 12th district, which is located in the southwestern part of the state.

U.S. Representative John Murtha is the same guy who said that Marines killed civilians in Haditha, Iraq in cold-blood.  Mr. Murtha publically made this announce before any investigation was completed.  Seven of the eight Marines charged have been exonerated, with the charged being dropped or acquitted of all charges, the last Marine faces charges of negligent homicide.

Murtha has now made the following statement about his constituents….you know, the people who elected him:n

There’s no question Western Pennsylvania is a racist area,” said Mr. Murtha, whose district stretches from Johnstown to Washington County. “The older population is more hesitant.”

Time for Murtha to go.  It’s clear he doesn’t respect the people he works for, so how can he represent them?

Full story here.

Timeline of the Haditha debacle is here.

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Filed under Duct tape zone, Politicians

AIG: Bailout $ not enough for them to buy a clue

I don’t know how many of you saw the nice comment I got from AIG BlogResponse to my last post about AIG.  I can’t confirm it was from AIG, but an email I sent to the email address, did not bounce back and it sounded like something a PR department would say….

That’s all good, but:

State investigators launched a fraud probe into AIG on Wednesday following revelations that top execs spent $86,000 on a partridge hunt after the feds gave the company billions to stay afloat.


The Daily News reported today that four top AIG executives and their guests spent a fortune blasting birds out of the sky just last week, while Wall Street was seizing up and the 401(k) accounts of millions of Americans shriveled.

Three New Yorkers were on the trip to Plumber Manor, a 17th century country house in scenic Dorset, southwest of London.

They were identified as Jeffrey Malkovsky, a senior director at AIG’s Manhattan office, Hilary James, the general manager of the luxurious Bristol Plaza Hotel, and her pal, AIG adviser John Roberts.

The News of the World, the London-based newspaper that broke the story, reported that the shooting party was more interested in bagging birds than the unfolding financial crisis.

In just four days, the hunters racked up a $17,500 bill for food and rooms, spent another $17,500 on private jets, $8,000 on limos.

The cost to taxpayers for AIG executives to traipse through the countryside in tweed knickers four times was $43,000.

This is disgusting.  The money that the American taxpayer has given for the AIG bailout should not be available unless there is a full accounting before distribution and a full audit afterward.

As I said here: If you have AIG, call them, drop them, picket them.  Let them know that this is unacceptable.  Let your lawmakers know that this is unacceptable.  Voice your opinion.  It may not change things now, but you will have put these people ON NOTICE that you are watching and will make decisions later (at the ballot box) based on what you see.

Full story here

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Filed under Duct tape zone, Issues

Truth about taxes…room for the middle class at the poor house

From the New York Post today OBAMA TELLS THE TAX TRUTH (below):

Original source story here.  Emphasis in red is mine.

By the way, as regards the checks from Washington sited below – where I live, that’s called welfare.  I am insulted to think that anyone wants to suggest I can’t make it without government welfare.  I am appalled to realize that Obama will tax me to the point that I would qualify for welfare. 

As has been the case for most tax cuts/deductions/incentives from any candidate that has come along in recent years, I don’t qualify for any of ’em.   I don’t have children, so the dependents, child care, college tax cuts don’t go to me.  I don’t fall into that married category so the marriage tax benefits don’t apply to me.  I don’t have enough money to be able to invest and receive capital gains – so that’s out.  I just keep getting taxed more at the local, state and federal level.   I pay to educate other people’s children.  I pay to fund art museums and symphonies I don’t go to.  I pay for parks I don’t visit.  I pay for other people’s mortgages.  I pay for other people’s defaulted loans and credit cards.  I pay to support causes and countries that I am diametrically opposed to and, in some cases, find offensive.

I can’t invest in my own retirement because I am paying for someone else’s.  I pay for someone else’s food, even if it means I have to cut back on my own groceries.

I pay for AIGs spa retreats, even though I can’t afford to go on vacation.

Obama is going to make sure he taxes me into the welfare state.  This is not the America most of us thought we would be living in.



October 15, 2008

An unscripted moment with an Ohio plumber produced a startling confession from Barack Obama Sunday: The Democrat’s “middle-class tax cut” is in fact a scheme to “spread the wealth around.”

Obama dropped the mask long enough to tell the truth to Toledo plumber Joe Wurzelbacher – who had asked the Democratic nominee why he wanted to jack up his taxes just for “fulfilling the American dream.”

“I’m getting ready to buy a company that makes $250,000 to $280,000 a year,” Wurzelbacher had told Obama. “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?”

“It’s not that I want to punish your success,” Obama replied. “I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success, too . . . When you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

At last! The truth outs!

Obama’s plan isn’t about sinking hooks into Wall Street CEOs and other fat cats, as he usually says. Fact is, there’s not enough of them to raise the cash necessary to finance his other grand plans.

No, to do that, he’ll have to go after ambitious working-class guys like Wurzelbacher – who’s been a plumber for 15 years and is looking to better himself and his family while just maybe creating a few jobs.

The American Dream?

Wurzelbacher personifies it – but Barack Obama seems determined to tax it to death and be done with it, period.

That’s been the case all along, of course. What’s different is that the Democrat finally said so.

Heretofore, Obama has sought to paint himself as a tax-cutter claiming he’ll slash taxes for 95 percent of Americans.

As we noted yesterday, that’s a flat-out lie – not least because nearly half of all tax filers pay no income tax at all. So how can he “cut” their taxes if they don’t pay any to begin with?

Answer: tax “credits.”

To wit, in part:

* A $1,000 “make work pay” credit.

* A $4,000 college-tuition credit.

* A $6,000 child-care credit.

* A $1,100 bump in the earned-income tax credit.

These aren’t to be income-tax deductions – which would be worthless to those who pay no income taxes.

These are to be checks from Washington – with the subsidies expected to grow to more than $1 trillion in 10 years.

That’s a massive transfer of wealth.

How does Obama justify it?

“Fairness,” he says.

But that’s an absurdly radical view of what’s “fair.”

Remember, Obama’s tax hikes target folks who already bear the brunt of the burden: The top 20 percent of earners already pay 69 percent of all federal taxes – and 88 percent of income taxes.

(Contrast that with John McCain’s call yesterday for real tax cuts – halving the capital-gains levy, scrapping taxes on unemployment benefits altogether – designed to prime the economic pump.)

Monday, Obama promised a tax policy that would restore “a sense of fairness and balance that will give every American a fair shot at the American dream.”

But just a day before, he told Joe Wurzelbacher the truth: No American dream for you, buddy!

Nor anybody else, it seems.

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Filed under Duct tape zone, In the news, Issues, Media, Politicians, Taxes

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain…

Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. – Barack Obama

I am the great and powerful Wizard of Oz.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain

— the Wizard of Oz

I don’t know how much I believe poll data given their inaccuracy in years past — and it doesn’t help that the main stream media is soooooo Obama obsessed.  But Real Clear politics reports a widening margin for Obama, hereRassmussen (arguably the most reliable poll) has Obama ahead 52% to 45%.

I can’t personally intellectualize the shift.  Thinking about it, I think this may be more of an emotional choice for people.

Obama is young

Obama is attractive

Obama says the things people want to hear

Obama presents himself as a champion for the American middle class

Americans want to show they’ve evolved and will elect a black American president

Obama is the great and powerful wizard!

But look at the men behind the curtain. Look at his life in politics.  Look at the type of people with whom he associates.  If these are his allies, will he really be a friend to you?  Are your interests his interests?  Are his values your values?  Does he envision the same America that you do?  Who are the we that he talks about in the opening quote?

The men behind the curtain:

Jeremiah Wright – Everyone has seen the videos of Reverend Wright spewing his vile rhetoric.  If you missed it, here’s a sample; a sermon given at his church just days after the 9/11/2001 attacks:

The Reverend Michael Flegar, a catholic priest:

William Ayers, a co-worker, co-board member and neighbor of Obama’s oh, and domestic terrorist:

Acorn – a community organizing operation for whom Obama worked – by providing training and legal representation.  Implicated in numerous cases of voter fraud and complicit in the current credit crisis:

Louis Farrakhan, Supreme Minister of the Nation of Islam as the National Representative of Elijah Muhammad:

INDOCTRINATION?  The rising of a new Hitler Youth?

The Obama brainwashing – aka Stepford Children

The Obama Youth

Is Obama your idea of a messiah?  Do you think he has the same ideas of  America that most Americans do?  If these are the sentiments of his friends, doesn’t it follow that he shares those feelings?

Why has Obama tried to stifle free speech with lawsuits and policy support (here)?  Why is he asking lawmakers to join his “truth squad” designed to suppress free speech – and is that what you are expecting from your police force?

Are these the people Obama maintains we’ve been waiting for?

This man’s motives, associations and judgements are questionable.  Isn’t that too big of a risk to take with your future?



Filed under Duct tape zone, In the news, Left and Right, Politicians

FDR’s WPA, Part 2

It appears the Democrats are already planning their New Deal.  This screams of FDR’s WPA, which, while it gave us some classic architecture, was really a step toward socialism.

It just looks like more spending that we can’t afford to me and disincentives for business.

See the source article here.

Tax rebate, food stamp money possible in aid plan

WASHINGTON (AP) – After consulting with Barack Obama, Democratic leaders are likely to call Congress back to work after the election in hopes of passing legislation that would include extended jobless benefits, money for food stamps and possibly a tax rebate, officials said Saturday.

The bill’s total cost could reach $150 billion, these officials said.

The officials stressed that no final decisions have been made. They spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they did not want to pre-empt a formal announcement. House Democrats have announced plans for an economic forum on Monday “to help Congress develop an economic recovery plan that focuses on creating jobs and strengthening our economy.”

Democrats said Obama’s campaign has been involved in discussions on a possible stimulus package. The party’s presidential candidate, running ahead in the polls, has outlined his own proposals for stimulating the economy.

Democrats are increasingly confident of capturing the White House and increasing their majorities in the House and Senate on Nov. 4.

If they are successful, a lame-duck session of Congress two weeks later would allow them to start work on a response to the credit crunch that has sent stock prices plummeting and also threatens to trigger a deep recession. It often takes two or three months for a new Congress to begin turning out legislation, particularly when a new president is settling into the White House.

On the other hand, by attempting to pass legislation next month, Democrats would have to negotiate with President Bush, whose term runs until Jan. 20, 2009. Additionally, Senate Republicans, with 49 seats, could block any measure they opposed.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters in Denver last Wednesday a $150 billion stimulus package is necessary and she may call the House back into session after the election. Her spokesman, Brendan Daly, added, “Congress just worked in a bipartisan way with the Administration to pass an economic rescue plan to help stabilize our financial markets, and we must now work together to pass a jobs creation and economic recovery stimulus package.”

In the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada has announced a post-election session beginning Nov. 17 to consider public lands legislation. His spokesman, Jim Manley, issued a written statement that said “recent developments only reinforce the need for additional action to reinvigorate the economy.” He added, “no decisions have yet been made on how to proceed.”

An Obama spokesman, Bill Burton, said the campaign is monitoring the situation.

The candidate has said previously he favors $25 billion to help states meet their own needs, another $25 billion for roads, bridges and other infrastructure, and $65 billion for tax rebates paid for by a windfall profits tax on oil.

Speaking in Ohio on Friday, the Illinois Democrat also said, “we should extend expiring unemployment benefits to those Americans who’ve lost their jobs and can’t find new ones.”

The House passed a $61 billion economic stimulus bill before lawmakers adjourned for the elections, but it was largely symbolic since Senate Republicans had already thwarted efforts to pass a companion measure.

It called for up to 13 additional weeks of jobless benefits in states with the highest unemployment, at a cost of $6 billion. Another $14.7 billion was ticketed to help states cover Medicaid costs. Enrollment in the federal-state health care program for the poor and disabled often rises with unemployment.

The measure also included money for road and bridge construction, a relatively easy way to create jobs and pump money into the economy.

With that bill’s passage blocked, Pelosi then sought to have it added to the financial bailout legislation making its way to Bush’s desk, according to officials in both parties. They said the White House signaled it would accept an extension of unemployment benefits, but the speaker refused to allow the stimulus package to be broken up.

As a result, Congress adjourned without providing additional benefits for the unemployed as increasing numbers of people are losing their jobs.

Congress enacted an earlier stimulus legislation with unusual speed last winter. It provided tax rebate checks of $600 to individuals and $1,200 to couples and included tax breaks to businesses investing in new plants and equipment.

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Filed under Duct tape zone, In the news, Left and Right, Politicians

Now for something completely different, socializing your 401K

Rush Limbaugh was talking about this today, so I had to check it out.

From Investment News, here.

Congress mulls major 401(k) changes

By Sara Hansard
October 7, 2008, 5:18 PM EST

A wide range of sweeping changes to the 401(k) system were proposed Tuesday at a hearing on how the market crisis has devastated retirement savings plans.

Chief among them was eliminating $80 billion in tax savings for higher-income people enrolled in 401(k) retirement savings plans.

This was suggested by the chairman of the House Committee on Education and Labor.

“With respect to the 401(k), it appears to be a plan that is not really well-devised for the changes in the market,” Rep. George Miller, D-Calif., said.

“We’ve invested $80 billion into subsidizing this activity,” he said, referring to tax breaks allowed for 401(k) contributions and savings.

It goes on to say that a “Congress should let workers trade their 401(k) assets for guaranteed retirement accounts made up of government bonds”.

There are so many things that tick me off about this.  Let’s review them:

“Chief among them was eliminating $80 billion in tax savings for higher-income people enrolled in 401(k) retirement savings plans. ”

To me, that means your 401K won’t be tax deferred any more.  You’ll get taxed on that money as income, taxed on any profits you receive, you may be taxed on any match your employer provides, you’lll get taxed when you receive that money (who knows if you’ll be able to withdraw it early), taxed when you spend that money and you’ll get taxed on any of that money that’s left when you die.  Talk about breaking the back of the American people.

“We’ve invested $80 billion into subsidizing this activity,” he said, referring to tax breaks allowed for 401(k) contributions and savings.

That suggests that this gentleman that money I’m investing is his money and he can’t get his grubby mitts on it and he’s pissed about that.  Look at what he says here:  “We’ve invested $80 billion…”   Wait a minute.  You’ve made no investment.  It’s money I’ve earned.  It’s not your money.  It’s not money you are giving me or investing for me.  It’s MY MONEY.  Until Mr. Obama is elected, I am not required to turn my earnings over to the state and wait for the state to give me back the share they want me to have.

The U.S. tax system is unfair enough, but for this man to imply that because a dollar that hasn’t been taxed is fair game for the government to come after…WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

“Congress should let workers trade their 401(k) assets for guaranteed retirement accounts made up of government bonds”.

Let’s read that again…Guaranteed Retirement Accounts… Isn’t that what Social Security started out being?  Look what’s happened to that.  It’s been borrowed from, reallocated, stolen and misused for years!  And now we’re going to set up another, similar program?   Congress refused to consider privatizing Social Security, and now they want to socialize your 401K.

Stand up people.  Be heard.  Vote those out who are not listening.

Refuse to become France.  Stand up before it’s too late.

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Filed under Big Brother, Duct tape zone, Left and Right, Politicians

And the hits just keep on comin’ … $37 Billion MORE for AIG

From CBS News, here and Fox News, here

The Federal Reserve has agreed to provide insurance giant American International Group with a loan of up to $37.8 billion, on top of one made to the troubled company last month.

Under the new program, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York will borrow up to $37.8 billion in investment-grade, fixed income securities from AIG in return for cash collateral. These securities were previously lent by AIG’s insurance company subsidiaries to third parties.

Last month, the Fed provided an $85 billion loan to the company, which was on the brink of bankruptcy.
The White House said on Wednesday it was “despicable” that AIG executives spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on a posh California retreat just days after getting the $85 billion bailout.

This is a disgrace.  The fact that AIG was ‘too big to fail’ and were bailed out, only to have a $500,000 retreat and then get more taxpayer money after that behavior?

If you have AIG, call them, drop them, picket them.  Let them know that this is unacceptable.  Let your lawmakers know that this is unacceptable.  Voice your opinion.  It may not change things now, but you will have put these people ON NOTICE that you are watching and will make decisions later (at the ballot box) based on what you see.

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Filed under Duct tape zone, In the news, Politicians

Well, that didn’t take long – OPEC emergency meeting

The Financial Times reports that almost the members of Opec want an emergency meeting due to the drop in oil prices.  Their plan:  curb the bleeding.

“Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Iraq, Venezuela and Ecuador, whose economies tend to be most dependent on high oil prices and whose ministers are among the most hawkish of the 13-member group, have all lobbied for the cartel to drop output.”

Read the entire story here.

‘Cause those countries that hate the West really need to keep their coffers full so they can build up their nuclear arsenals.

Drill here, drill now!!!!!

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Filed under Duct tape zone, In the news

Yeah, that bailout was a great idea.

From the “do I have a kick me sign on my butt” file…..

It’s been a long time since I could afford a nice vacation, and with things going the way they are, it looks to be a while before I will be going again.

But I sure feel great knowing that those stressed out AIG execs are putting my tax dollars to good use after the bailout they just got from the American taxpayers.

From the Washington Post today:

After Bailout, AIG Executives Head to Resort

UPDATED: 11:31 a.m.

Less than a week after the federal government offered an $85 billion bailout to insurance giant AIG, the company held a week-long retreat for its executives at the luxury St. Regis Resort in Monarch Beach, Calif., running up a tab of $440,000, Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) said today at the the opening of a House committee hearing about the near-failure of the insurance giant.

Showing a photograph of the resort, Waxman said the executives spent $200,000 for rooms, $150,000 for meals and $23,000 for the spa.

“Less than a week after the taxpayers rescued AIG, company executives could be found wining and dining at one of the most exclusive resorts in the nation,” Waxman said. “We will ask whether any of this makes sense. ”

The committee will ask the company’s executives about their multimillion-dollar pay packages — some of which they continue to receive — as well as who bears responsibility for the company’s high-risk investment portfolio, which led to its near collapse just weeks ago.

“They were getting their manicures, their pedicures, massages, their facials while the American people were paying their bills,” thundered Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), of the executive retreat at the Monarch Resort.

Read the full story here.  Then look at the resort they chose for their retreat here.  The Smoking Gun has the invoice here.

I’d feel better about Congress taking these folks on if they didn’t use my tax dollars for the exact same things.  Their junkets are legendary.


Filed under Blood from a Turnip, Duct tape zone, Left and Right, Politicians

Time to be patriotic

So says Joe Biden….

“We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people,” Biden said in an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

Noting that wealthier Americans would indeed pay more, Biden said: “It’s time to be patriotic … time to jump in, time to be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut.”

I believe Joe has a fundamental flaw in his understanding.  Those of us who have been paying taxes have been ‘part of the deal’ all along.  Those of us who vote…part of the deal.  Those of us who run a business, employ people, contribute to our communities, pay our bills, purchase things…we’ve jumped in.  Those of us who hold politicians accountable – that’s part of the deal.  I would suggest that it’s the ego of politicians and the greed of some businesses that have gotten us in a rut.  It’s the do-nothing Congress that has gotten us in a rut.  It’s the power hungry elected official (local, state and federal) that has weakened this country.

Tying patriotism to taxes has to be one of the stupidest and most offensive things I’ve heard.

Biden, what a patriot!

Biden, what a patriot!

Hi Joe!  You’re still a Doofus

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Filed under Duct tape zone, Politicians